Daily Archives: February 3, 2009

A Lab for using the PIHMgis and PIHM model (I)

Zhuotong Nan (南卓铜, [email protected])

Set up work place

1. Download PIHMgis version 2.0 from the URL:


Download Shale Hills PIHMgis data files from the URL:


Download qgis.1.0 from the URL:


Note: The current PIHMgis v2.0 is built with QGIS 0.8 preview version and cannot run with QGIS 1.0 because APIs of those two version are inconsistent. The stable QGIS 1.0 version provides us a much better user interface and richer functionality than version 0.8. We will use QGIS 1.0 editing functions to manipulate vector data. The development team of PIHMgis is working on the migration to QGIS 1.0, which might be available in near future.

2. Make a directory “PIHM-lab”, and then extract “PIHMgis_v2.0.0.zip” to this directory. Go to this PIHMgis_v2.0.0 folder, locate “PIHMgis_v2.0.0.exe”, make a shortcut and rename the shortcut to “PIHMgis_v2.0.0”, and then copy this shortcut file to the directory “PIHM-lab” (our lab root directory).

Clicking the shortcut will bring up the Quantum GIS (QGIS) window, as shown Figure 1. Click “X” to close QGIS.


Figure 1 the QGIS 0.8 preview version interface coming with the PIHMgis. Note, the interface might be shown in different language if your computer locale is not set to English.

3. Create a directory “lab3.shale.hills” under “PIHM-lab”. Extract “shale.hills.pihmgis.data.zip” to the “lab3.shale.hills” directory.

4. Extract qgis.1.0.zip to the directory “PIHM-lab”, go to “qgis.1.0bin”, make a shortcut “qgis” for qgis.exe under this folder, and then copy this shortcut to the directory “PIHM-lab”. Click the qgis shortcut to open it, making sure it can work. It looks like Figure 2.


Figure 2 the QGIS 1.0 interface