Tag Archives: permafrost


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欢迎参加AOGS2020 HS37: 多年冻土变化和冻土进展

欢迎同行参加AOGS2020,HS37: 多年冻土变化及建模进展,召集人赵林教授。
摘要截止: 2020年1月21日。摘要提交需要登录MARS系统。

AOGS2020, HS37:Permafrost Changes and Modelling Advances, Conveners: Zhao Lin, Mamoru Ishikawa, Fujun Niu & Zhuotong Nan.
Abstract submission due: Jan 21, 2020

While climate models project strong future warming, continuous changes in permafrost will have major impact on the Earth system, affecting climate system, water cycle and carbon cycle. There is an urgent need to understand the nature of the change of permafrost dynamics in response to climate change. It is therefore timely for a session to bring together studies that address recent advances in understanding, diagnosis and prediction of past and future changes in permafrost regions in Asia as well as improvements in numerical permafrost modelling.
28 Jun to 4 Jul 2020, Sono Belle Vivaldi Park, Hongcheon.

GRL: 青藏高原冬季变暖对多年冻土的影响研究



  • 1980−2009年,青藏高原冬季气温以0.66 °C/10a的速度升高,是夏季增温0.27 °C/10a的两倍多。在2000s,夏季变暖有所减缓而冬季变暖不断增强。
  • 多年冻土的活动层厚度主要受夏季变暖的影响,而季节性冻土的最大冻结深度主要受冬季变暖的影响。即使气候持续变暖,多年冻土的活动层厚度却呈轻微下降趋势,为0.07 m/10a。虽然多年冻土的面积总体上保持相对稳定,但过去30年,多年冻土的年平均低温以0.13 °C/10a的速度升高。
  • 2000年以前,夏季变暖主导着多年冻土热状况的变化,之后,冬季变暖对多年冻土热状况的影响逐渐增大并超过了夏季变暖,冬季变暖加剧了多年冻土的热退化。由于2000年以来冬季快速变暖,青藏高原北部羌塘高原的高寒连续多年冻土发生了显著的区域性变暖。这是先前研究从未报道过的一个新的发现。


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引用:吴小波,南卓铜*,王维真,赵林. 基于Noah陆面过程模型模拟青藏高原植被和土壤特征对多年冻土影响的模拟. 冰川冻土. 2018, 40(2): 279-287.

下载:官网; Baidu;

A paper on evaluation of some simple permafrost models on QTP

Zhao S, Nan Z*, Huang Y, Zhao L. The application and evaluation of simple permafrost distribution models on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 2017, 28(2): 391-404. DOI:10.1002/ppp.1939.


The performance of simple permafrost distribution models widely used on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) has not been fully evaluated. In this study, two empirical models (the elevation model and mean annual ground temperature model) and three semi-physical models (the surface frost number model, the temperature at the top of permafrost model and the Kudryavtsev model) were investigated. The simulation results from the models were compared to each other and validated against existing permafrost maps of the entire QTP and in three representative areas investigated in the field. The models generally overestimated permafrost distribution in the investigated areas, but they captured the broad characteristics of permafrost distribution on the entire QTP, and performed best in areas with colder, continuous permafrost. Large variations in performance occurred at elevations of 3800–4500 m asl and in areas with thermally unstable permafrost. The two empirical models performed best in areas where permafrost is strongly controlled by elevation, such as eastern QTP. In contrast, the three semi-physical models were better in southern island permafrost areas with relatively flat terrain, where local factors considerably impact the distribution of permafrost. Model performance could be enhanced by explicitly considering the effects of elevation zones and regional conditions.

Links: Baidu;


马启民,黄滢冰,南卓铜*,吴小波. 青藏高原典型多年冻土区的一维水热过程模拟研究. 冰川冻土. 2016, 38(2): 341-350.


了解多年冻土内部的水热过程对寒区工程规划和建设的辅助决策具有重要意义。冻土的水分迁移与温度变化密切相关,然而传统的经验模型局限性大,对水热物理过程考虑不足;陆面过程模型所需的驱动数据多且很难准确模拟深层土温,尽管数值模型在工程上应用的比较多,但很少应用到冻土的演化过程中。基于非饱和土壤渗流和热传导理论,实现了冻土水分场与温度场的水热耦合数值模拟。以唐古拉综合观测场为例,将数值模拟结果与观测数据进行对比,验证水热耦合数值模拟的有效性。结果表明:模型对土壤温度模拟效果较好,15 m以上R2在0.88以上,RMSE在1℃以内;水分模拟尚可,但仍存在一定误差,R2在0.7以上,RMSE在7.65%以内。模拟的活动层厚度约3.6 m,年平均地温所在的深度约为15 m,与实测值基本一致。该水热耦合模型可用于研究多年冻土区土壤水热变化规律.

下载 (pdf, ~10.8 MB): mqm.et al. bcdt.2016


1. 吴立宗, 南卓铜, 王亮绪, 2014. 科学数据出版—促进数据共享的一种新模式. 中国科技资源导刊, (5): 72-78.

2. 史健宗, 南卓铜*, 赵林, 2014. 多年冻土元数据标准研究和应用. 遥感技术与应用, 29(5): 878-885

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[1] Nan Z, Huang P, Zhao L. Permafrost distribution modeling and depth estimation in the West Qinghai-Tibet plateau[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica. 2013, 68(3): 318—327.[南卓铜,黄培培,赵林. 青藏高原西部区域多年冻土分布模拟及其下限估算[J]. 地理学报. 2013, 68(3): 318—327.]

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