Tag Archives: swat

A Plos One Paper

Zhang L, Nan Z, Xu Y, Li S. Hydrological Impacts of Land Use Change and Climate Variability in the Headwater Region of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. PloS One. 2016, 11(6): e158394. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0158394.


Land use change and climate variability are two key factors impacting watershed hydrology, which is strongly related to the availability of water resources and the sustainability of local ecosystems. This study assessed separate and combined hydrological impacts of land use change and climate variability in the headwater region of a typical arid inland river basin, known as the Heihe River Basin, northwest China, in the recent past (1995–2014) and near future (2015–2024), by combining two land use models (i.e., Markov chain model and Dyna-CLUE) with a hydrological model (i.e., SWAT). The potential impacts in the near future were explored using projected land use patterns and hypothetical climate scenarios established on the basis of analyzing long-term climatic observations. Land use changes in the recent past are dominated by the expansion of grassland and a decrease in farmland; meanwhile the climate develops with a wetting and warming trend. Land use changes in this period induce slight reductions in surface runoff, groundwater discharge and streamflow whereas climate changes produce pronounced increases in them. The joint hydrological impacts are similar to those solely induced by climate changes. Spatially, both the effects of land use change and climate variability vary with the sub-basin. The influences of land use changes are more identifiable in some sub-basins, compared with the basin-wide impacts. In the near future, climate changes tend to affect the hydrological regimes much more prominently than land use changes, leading to significant increases in all hydrological components. Nevertheless, the role of land use change should not be overlooked, especially if the climate becomes drier in the future, as in this case it may magnify the hydrological responses.



[1] Zhang L, Nan Z, Yu W. Coupling LUCC and Hydrological Models to Predict Land Use Change and Hydrological Response under Multiple Scenarios[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science. 2013, 15(6): 829—839.[张凌,南卓铜,余文君. 基于模型耦合的土地利用变化和水文响应多情景分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报. 2013, 15(6): 829—839.]


[1] Lai Z, Li S, Li C, Nan Z, Yu W. Improvement and application of SWAT model in upper-middle Heihe River Basin[J]. Journal of Natural Resources. 2013, 28(2): 1404—1413.[赖正清,李硕,李呈罡,南卓铜,余文君. SWAT模型在黑河中上游流域的改进与应用[J]. 自然资源学报. 2013, 28(2): 1404—1413.]


[1] Liu Y, Xu Z, Nan Z. Payments for environmental services in upper stream of Heihe River Basin based on SWAT model and minimum-data approach[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 2012, 28(8): 124—130.[刘玉卿,徐中民,南卓铜. 基于SWAT模型和最小数据法的黑河流域上游生态补偿研究[J]. 农业工程学报. 2012, 28(8): 124—130.]

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swat 2005 源代码的编译

swat 2005源代码是可以从官方网站上下载到的。尝试了gfortran 编译,首先删除了*.mod,使用 gfortran –c modparm.f 重新生成 parm.mod。在main.f里注释了第一行,即include ‘modparm.f’。否则会出现重复定义的问题。最后编译,可以成功,但在运行时出现 Fortran runtime error,大致是从文件里读取end of file之类的错误。

安装了intel fortran 编译器,用的是官方的30天试用版。在visual studio 2010里建立了fortran console application项目,将swat 2005里的全部*.f 加到里面。同样重新生成 parm.mod,并修改了main.f (同上),编译,试运行,可以用。