珍惜 2 Replies 不同的人的生活轨迹,就是在坐标系里的每条游走的曲线,在沿着时间轴不停的发展变化,然后有一些曲线就在某些阶段会相交到一起,有些会重合走一段时间,也许以后会分开。但65亿条曲线,能走到一起的,能有多少。缘份是值得珍惜的。 No related posts.
Min March 13, 2008 at 6:12 pm i have thought you are just an excellent scientist, but you are also an artist! Reply ↓
Min March 13, 2008 at 6:14 pm By the way, i am one of the lines which intentionally cross your line. Right? Reply ↓
i have thought you are just an excellent scientist, but you are also an artist!
By the way, i am one of the lines which intentionally cross your line. Right?