Make MinGW dll to be used by MSVC application

Make MinGW dll to be used by MSVC application
Zhuotong Nan,

1. We cannot directly use dynamic libararies generated by MinGW in MSVC application
2. To enable this, it’s easy. In eclipse, open project property window, go to the MinGW c++ settings page, and enable –output-def by giving a def name.
3. Compile, this time it will generate a def file along with the dll file.
4. In msvc command window, type "lib /machine:x86 /def:def_file.def". It will create a lib file and a exp file.
5. In msvc ide, import this lib file as the common dll generated by MSVC.
6. The above described for only C functions, or c++ functions with extern "C" keywords. all c++ functions and any functions inside c++ class cannot be called by MSVC in this means. For information to address this so-called ABI (Application Binary Interface) issues between c++ compilers, please google with "ABI C++". In a short word, there is no easy way to do the interoperation. But there might be some workarounds.


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