
将以下内容保存为 OracleExportAutomata.bat,运行即可。可以与Windows计划任务联合使用,比如每天3:00am运行一次。

@echo off
echo ———–
echo name: Oracle data export automata utility
echo author: WANG Liangxu
echo date: 2006-8-7
echo refined by NAN Zhuotong
echo documented by NAN Zhuotong
echo Any problem please contact us via;

REM This program is used to export data in Oracle to external files named with current date.
REM A simple export schema is employed. Monday the data will be completely exported.
REM Tuesday through Thursday data will be exported in an incremental manner.
REM Friday, data exported include all the incremental data since the last completed export.
REM Saturday and Sunday incremental export will be employed once more.

REM This program can be used together with Windows plan and task utility. In that way,
REM the program can be enhanced with running by schedule.

echo ———–
set w=%date:~13,1%
set d=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%
rem echo %d%
if %w%==一 goto 1
if %w%==二 goto 2
if %w%==三 goto 3
if %w%==四 goto 4
if %w%==五 goto 5
if %w%==六 goto 6
if %w%==日 goto 7

REM exp system/systemwestdc inctype=complete file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/20060807.dmp (complete)
REM exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/2006xxxx.dmp
REM exp system/systemwestdc inctype=cumulative file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/2006xxxx.dmp
REM Mon: 完全备份(A)
REM Tue: 增量导出(B)
REM Wed: 增量导出(C)
REM Thu: 增量导出(D)
REM Fri: 累计导出(E)
REM Sat: 增量导出(F)
REM Sun: 增量导出(G)

 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-compl.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=complete file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-compl.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-cumul.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=cumulative file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-cumul.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end

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