
刘辉的事上Nature了,估计以后他也很难在国内外的学术界混下去了。包括方舟子本人在内,大家都没想到清华这次居然动真格的了——刘不是第一个也不自然不是最后一个,其他做假者都依然混的好好的,只有他得到了惩办,如果我是刘,一定感觉很委屈! 清华的举措肯定是有原因的,比如迫于校内师生的压力等,但在国内算是迈出一步。如果国内都有这样严格的制度,让大家知道做假的代价太多,估计学术风气会得到一些控制。

News in Brief
Nature 440, 728-729 (6 April 2006) | doi:10.1038/440728a

Fantasy reference list leads to the sack
What’s in a name? Hui Liu, assistant dean of the medical school at Tsinghua University in Beijing, got his job after submitting a résumé that cited, among other things, a paper by "H. Liu" in the Journal of General Virology. He lost his job last month when the university learned that the paper was written by Hong Liu, a researcher at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

The school was told of the problem last November by Shi-min Fang, a San Diego-based biochemist whose home page is a popular place to post rumours of scientific fraud. Following up an anonymous tip-off, Fang says he investigated Liu’s résumé, which had been posted on Tsinghua’s website. "I found that several papers were either non-existent or belonged to somebody else," Fang says.

The university’s investigation led to Hui’s dismissal.

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