1. Windows server 2003 sp1 chs
2. J2SE SDK 1.4.2_08 (jre updates to
3. IIS 6.0
4. ms sql server 2000 sp4
*set the authentication mode to both sql server and windows by enterprise
5. arcsde 9 for sql sp3
6. dot net framework sdk 1.1
*this component is to enable the .net link connector when installing arcims
9. Actually, I’ve installed the visual studio .net 2003 which will be used
as the asp.net editor.
7. Tomcat 5.5.9
*type http://localhost:8080 to see if the setup is completed.
8. configure isapi_redirect.dll
*install isapi_redirect-1.2.13.exe from apache website; it will help you to
creat most of things you have to do without this executable file, for
example, creating proper register settings, adding jakarta virtual directory
to the IIS console.
*add Jakarta extension within IIS console
9. arcims 9
*install arcims 9, and perform post installation with the option of IIS6
with Tomcat 4.x.
*edit the uriworkermap.properties file under the jk1 connector conf
directory, adding the appropriate mappings.*try the diagnostics facity to
test 1 and 2. If error 006 occurs, plz check the machine setting in the
Esrimap_prop file under the webapps directory in Tomcat root.
10. enjoy the arcims 9
2. J2SE SDK 1.4.2_08 (jre updates to
3. IIS 6.0
4. ms sql server 2000 sp4
*set the authentication mode to both sql server and windows by enterprise
5. arcsde 9 for sql sp3
6. dot net framework sdk 1.1
*this component is to enable the .net link connector when installing arcims
9. Actually, I’ve installed the visual studio .net 2003 which will be used
as the asp.net editor.
7. Tomcat 5.5.9
*type http://localhost:8080 to see if the setup is completed.
8. configure isapi_redirect.dll
*install isapi_redirect-1.2.13.exe from apache website; it will help you to
creat most of things you have to do without this executable file, for
example, creating proper register settings, adding jakarta virtual directory
to the IIS console.
*add Jakarta extension within IIS console
9. arcims 9
*install arcims 9, and perform post installation with the option of IIS6
with Tomcat 4.x.
*edit the uriworkermap.properties file under the jk1 connector conf
directory, adding the appropriate mappings.*try the diagnostics facity to
test 1 and 2. If error 006 occurs, plz check the machine setting in the
Esrimap_prop file under the webapps directory in Tomcat root.
10. enjoy the arcims 9