在解决了内存问题后,Thinkpad x270在使用过程中仍然会出现鼠标冻结(mouse freeze)的现象,即鼠标移动不畅有停顿,可能在几秒种后恢复,也可能就此冻住不动了,但在按Fn + 4进入计算机Sleep后,再开机鼠标再次恢复。这种现象只是偶尔出现,但也让人有挫败感。
Re: X270 generic freeze?
2018-07-25, 20:10 PM
Apparently, disabling Panel Self Refresh (PSR) in the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel application fixed the issue.
On Lenovo notebook right click on desktop -> Intel Graphics Control Panel -> Energy management -> Panel Self Refresh -> set to Disabled.
I also set the display to max performance, but I don’t think this is relevant.
Once disabled, I’ve no more experienced any freeze for several days.
I’ll keep the notebook under control in the next weeks to confirm (I hope) that this is the right way.
桌面上右键 > Intel Graphics Control Panel > Power。左边有 On Battery 和Plug in 两项,在右边有三种Plan, 分别是Balanced Mode,Maximum Batter Life 和Maximum Performance,需要将 2 x3 个组合里面的Panel Self Refresh 均设置为 Disable,保存后问题消失。