Add ODBC support using Astrum InstallWizard

By default, Astrum Installwizard does not support ODBC. You can do it by
adding some variables. Here is an example as following:

1. Advanced/Variables, add a variable named <odbcUserDsnDir>, with a Text
type, Get variable from Registry, Default value "C:Program FilesCommon
FilesODBCData Sources", Root key: HKLM, Path:
DefaultDSNDir. Thereafter, you can use <odbcUserDsnDir> to get file DSN’s

2. Files to install, add the target dsn file, such as notesphr.dsn in my
example, specifying the target directory as <odbcUserDsnDir>. It will make
the dsn file copy from the installation packaget to the dsn default
directory. This is my dsn file’s content:

DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
FIL=MS Access
DefaultDir=C:Program FilesPhraseMemodatabase
DBQ=C:Program FilesPhraseMemodatabasenotesphr.db

3. In the notesphr.dsn, the last two lines should be changed in reponse of
the installation directory. We can do this with the help of System
changes/Text files. Click Add…, select Replace text action, specify the
filename, which is, in this example, <odbcUserDsnDir>notesphr.dsn, Search
text "DefaultDir=C:Program FilesPhraseMemodatabase" (quote marks
excluded) by replaced with "DefaultDir=<InstallDir>database" (quote marks
excluded), click ok to dismiss the dialog. Same as just now what we did,
replace "DBQ=C:Program FilesPhraseMemodatabasenotesphr.db" with

4. done. The installation will automatically copy your dsn file to the
target computer’s appropriate directory according to the computer’s



const QString& PmKeywords::Keyword()
return keywords.toString();
而 这里,keywords被定义成QValueVector,toString返回QString。大家明白问题出在哪 了吗?由于toString返回QString,而不是QString&,是局部变量,而Keyword属性返回QString&,是一 个引用,即是将局部变量的引用返出来了,但局部变量在scope出了后,就被销毁,这样返出来的就是一个无效的引用。由于整个代码已经近5000行,查错 查起来很麻烦,好歹还是找着了,前面还一直怀疑是否QSqlCursor有问题,在进行QSqlCursor Update的时候发生错误,但根本在于上面描述。一个教训,轻易不要怀疑这些大公司写的商业代码,只能从自己的代码上找原因,这样也许会更有助于除错。

ms sharepoint portal server 2003的卸载问题

I had this issue and solved it by doing the following:
When you use the Add/Remove Programs tool to remove SharePoint Portal Server and Windows SharePoint Services from your server, you may receive the following error message in a SPSADM.EXE – Common Language Runtime Debugging Services dialog box:
Application has generated an exception that cannot be handled.

Process id=0xb60 (2912), Thread id=0x1dc (476)

Click OK to terminate the application.
Click CANCEL to debug the application.
Additionally, you may receive the following error message in a Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Setup dialog box:
Installation ended prematurely because of an error.
This issue occurs if you do not remove SharePoint Portal Server and Windows SharePoint Services in the correct order. This issue occurs if you remove Windows SharePoint Services before you remove SharePoint Portal Server from the server.

To fully remove SharePoint Portal Server from the server, you must remove the programs in the following order:
SharePoint Portal Server
Windows SharePoint Services
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE), if it is installed on the server
To recover a server where SharePoint Portal Server and Windows SharePoint Services are not removed in the correct order:
Log on to the server as a member of the local Administrators group.
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.
Switch to the drive where SharePoint Portal Server is installed.
Type the following line, where CDimage is the path of the shared folder that contains the SharePoint Portal Server CD files, and then press ENTER:
msiexec /qb /i <CDimage>WSSSts.msi /L*v <full path>STS_Install.log LAUNCHEDFROMSETUPSTS=1

Switch to the drive where Windows is installed.
Type the following line, and then press ENTER:
cd %programfiles%Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions60Config

Type the following line, and then press ENTER:
copy Web.config Web.config.bak

Type the following line, where CDimage is the path of the shared folder that contains the SharePoint Portal Server CD files, and then press ENTER:
msiexec /qb /I <CDimage>SPSSps.msi /L*v <full path>SPS_Binary_Upgrade.log REBOOT=ReallySuppress

Type the following line, where CDimage is the path of the shared folder that contains the SharePoint Portal Server files, and then press ENTER:
msiexec /qb /famsv <CDimage>SPSSps.msi /L*v <full path>SPS_Repair.log REBOOT=ReallySuppress DONTSTARTSERVICE=1

When Setup completes and you are prompted to restart the server, click No.
Use the Add/Remove Programs tool to remove SharePoint Portal Server, Windows SharePoint Services, and MSDE (if it is installed on the server).

Important Make sure that you remove the programs in this exact order.
To avoid this issue when you remove SharePoint Portal Server from the server, use the Add/Remove Programs tool to remove the programs in the following order:
SharePoint Portal Server
Windows SharePoint Services
MSDE (if it is installed on the server)
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

sourceoffsite 安装非法字符错误

sourceOffsite在windows server 2003 sp1上安装时,当启动其服务时,提示非法字符
该方法已在sos KB里发布。

windows firewall & passive mode ftp

windows (sp2及2003)自带的防火墙允许配置例外,包括程序例外,和端口例外两
passive mode的端口为ftp,除了在程序例外中,指定servuDeamon.exe外,还要指定
将打开新端口建立data链接,进入passive(比如servu passive端口是从


QLable: 显示文字或图片,不提供用户交互
QSimpleRichText: 用于显示由stylesheet定制的rich text,一但构造完成,不能被修

QTextEdit: 支持修改和显示rich text
QTextBrowser: 支持显示rich text,适合有超文本接连的场合,不能被修改。

Arcims 9 installation

1. Windows server 2003 sp1 chs
2. J2SE SDK 1.4.2_08 (jre updates to
3. IIS 6.0
4. ms sql server 2000 sp4
*set the authentication mode to both sql server and windows by enterprise
5. arcsde 9 for sql sp3
6. dot net framework sdk 1.1
*this component is to enable the .net link connector when installing arcims
9. Actually, I’ve installed the visual studio .net 2003 which will be used
as the editor.
7. Tomcat 5.5.9
*type http://localhost:8080 to see if the setup is completed.
8. configure isapi_redirect.dll
*install isapi_redirect-1.2.13.exe from apache website; it will help you to
creat most of things you have to do without this executable file, for
example, creating proper register settings, adding jakarta virtual directory
to the IIS console.
*add Jakarta extension within IIS console
9. arcims 9
*install arcims 9, and perform post installation with the option of IIS6
with Tomcat 4.x.
*edit the file under the jk1 connector conf
directory, adding the appropriate mappings.*try the diagnostics facity to
test 1 and 2. If error 006 occurs, plz check the machine setting in the
Esrimap_prop file under the webapps directory in Tomcat root.
10. enjoy the arcims 9

arcsde for sql svr 2k

安装完arcsde 9 for sql server 2000,发现启动不了iomgr服务。
查看sde etc目录下的log,发现sde用户不能登录进sql server 2000。
查google,发现是由于在安装sql server时,设定成windows用户验证的登录方式。用
企业管理器,将仅windows验证,改成sql server和windows验证选项。再启动arcsde,

安装arsde for oracle失败

arcsde for oracle 9i要求的最低oracle 9i版本是9.2.0.3,不知道小冉最早安装的时
是否要考虑用sql server 2000