AGU的期刊都是地学的旗舰期刊,主编是大专家,编辑也是专家,评审人都十分认真负责,质量十分高。最近在Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System (JAMES)上送审了一个论文。遇到了几位十分认真负责的评审人,通过把他们的意见加入论文,真心话,论文质量得到很大提升。这是后话,这里不赘述。这个论文经历了从大修到小修到最后接受的过程,持续大概200天。是个比较标准的流程。
有时候学生来办公室找我讨论,face to face那种,打开投影仪又嫌太麻烦了,我办公桌上有两块比较大的屏幕,所以就把学生笔记本电脑接到大屏幕上,大家对着大屏幕讨论。但还是要把线拔来拔去,尤其是有时候学生电脑只有Type C接口,不能直接连,麻烦。于是想是否可以直接无线投屏过来 (两个屏幕则已经连到一台win10主机上)。
Imperfect workaround: Right click the new sandbox running Tencent Meeting and enter Sandbox Settings. Go to Resource Access > Window Access. Click Add to add a new item providing an asterisk (*) as its name. Apply this modification. Open Tencent Meeting to test screen sharing. In addition, if any bluetooth device is used, append “OpenBluetooth=y” under the section of [tencentmeeting], the name of the sandbox holding Tencent Meeting, in the configuration file which can be edited via Configure > Edit Configuration. Without this enabled in my computer, screen sharing of Tencent Meeting also fails. In my testing, it can work at most times with those modifications but still occasionally fails.