Tag Archives: evernote

Evernote insanely increased price

I used Evernote since 2011. Today I received an email from Evernote saying it increased my payment from 358 HKD last year for my personal account to 458 HKD for a renewal.

It’s crazy. It’s beyond what I can afford. I decided to cancel it. At the last step of cancellation, Evernote offered me a 40% off for a next renewal, so I am happy to stay for one more year.



这个错误是这样造成的。之前是安装了4.6.3,此后提示有升级包4.6.4。但自动升级时,提示 error code (2732),升级不成功。

我用Your UnInstaller! 把之前的安装卸载后,再行安装时,发现如下图所示的错误。

我的环境是 windows 7 x64。




[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Evernote Installation has started
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Running as user: nzt
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Initializing installed product finder.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Checking if product {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} is installed.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Product {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} is not installed.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Checking registry for product {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4}.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Located product GUID in HKLM.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Product GUID {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} install location is C:Program Files (x86)EvernoteEvernote
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Product GUID {f761359c-9ced-45ae-9a51-9d6605cd55c4} version is FSSH
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Initializing installed product finder.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Located product {4C8BBCC8-8363-11E2-A3F4-984BE15F174E} with upgrade code {AE2C091E-CF5F-4e30-8659-D640E23A8B99}.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Error getting product version: 1605
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Error getting product install location: 1605
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Initializing installed product finder.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Checking if product {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29} is installed.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Product {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29} is not installed.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Checking registry for product {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29}.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Product GUID {A5C8B875-E86C-4783-83F4-F35E788FFC29} was not found in the registry
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Checking for already installed products
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Detected version  installation
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] Installed version () did not support admin check. Attempting to use MsiEnumProductsEx.
[03/23/2013 19:00:45] PerUser install by another user: abort.
注意到Located product {4C8BBCC8-8363-11E2-A3F4-984BE15F174E} with upgrade code {AE2C091E-CF5F-4e30-8659-D640E23A8B99}.
可以找到两个位置,一个在 HKCR\Installer\Upgrade\Codes下,另一个在HKLU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Folders下。先将两个key导出。再删除。

p.s. 更新到4.6.4后,一个意外的惊喜,发现evernote里的图片,现在可以copy到word或者live writer了,之前是不行的。