Enable delayed content loading for Cuyahoga Module

南卓铜([email protected])

Cuyahoga is a powerful and well designed Web-based Content Management System. In current version, however, there is not yet Ajax supported. This brief article will show you how we can implement an Ajax based delayed content loading for its module.

The project I am doing will achieve Asian water news from an external website, Global Water News. To do this, I developed a set of classes to download content from external page and then parse them. However, in a synchronous way, the content downloading and parsing process is rather slow, consequently affecting the display of our homepage.  A delayed loading of this part of content will be ideal for circumventing this problem. 

Figure below shows the schema we developed for Cuyahoga framework.

See www.asian-gwadi.org homepage for online demonstration.


1. Enable Ajax support

Download latest ASP.net Ajax toolkit for framework 2.0 and install it. Add reference to System.Web.Extensions in Web project.

Open a brand new Ajax based web project. This will generate necessary configuration for Ajax support in a Web project.  Merge web.config created in this new project to Cuyahoga’s root web.config.

2. Add a Cuyahoga module for your purpose


AsianWaterNewsModule is just derived on ModuleBase and simple leave everything blank.

AsianWaterNewsControl.ascx is the user control working together with the module. It’s based on BaseModuleControl. It simply defines the container where we will populate data later.

AsianWaterNewsControl_Under.ascx is the underlying user control who download data from external web page, parse them and then fill up a repeater control.

AsianWaterNewsFristPage.cs, WaterItem.cs, and WaterNewsPageContent.cs are business logic codes to help AsianWaterNewsContol_Under control to realize its functionality.

AsianWaterNewsService.asmx define a web service, which renders the underlying user control, AsianWaterNewsControl_Under.ascx, to HTML codes. The output of this web services is expected to populate the placeholder contained in Cuyahoga user control, i.e., AsianWaterNewsControl.ascx.

Default.js and jquery-1.2.2.min.js are essential callback javascripts to be called in client side.

Install directory contains sql scripts for database structure.

3. Procedure

When a module is loaded by Cuyahoga framework, user controls derived upon BaseModuleControl (here is AsianWaterNewsControl.ascx ) will be asked to display themselves. In AsianWaterNewsControl.ascx , Ajax script manager was instantiated to wrap webservices as well as to register necessary javascripts. Javascripts were then downloaded to client together with other HTML. The page were displayed.  At the same time, callback javascripts were activated to call web service (here AsianWaterNewsService.asmx), which returns HTML representation of underlying user control (here, AsianWaterNewsControl_Under.ascx) actually retrieving data from external web pages. Then a div placeholder in  AsianWaterNewsControl.ascx will be populated with data retrieved.

See my previous post to get understand how to realize delayed content loading. For English original article, see here.

Download source codes of the AsianWaterNewsModule project.

Note, CSS and images should be defined in the template currently applied to your site. I did not include those stuff in the source code package.

See http://www.asian-gwadi.org/ for the operational demo.


原文在 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/ajax/DelayedContentLoading.aspx
大概思路是:在user control里实现ajax updatepanel和timer。首先下载到客户端的是user control的装载状态view,下载完后,自动启动timer的ontick,通过updatepanel调用user control的另一view正式装载数据。由于采用ajax所以可以实现页面的部分更新。


1. 周六书亚载了我们一家三口去教会,我是去看看,而且因为那是中国人聚集的地方,会很热闹。教会是在传福音。人都十分nice。我看样子是他们盯上的目标之一,使劲劝说我加入。看了洗礼的过程。领会了书亚的演讲才能,很棒。

2. 回来在Giant Eagle买了东西,回来朵朵说这次的葡萄比上次好看。我们也这样感觉,哈哈。结果一晚上我们一家吃掉了一大半。小赵总结说,橙子costo的最好吃,葡萄Giant Eagle最好,苹果则是Walmart不错。哦,基本上我们一家评价东西好差的时候,是不看价格的。

3. 周日本说是到经国家去,考虑到老是过去吃他花他,不好意思,另朵朵也不大喜欢出去,且有点发烧的样子。我睡了很长时间,一周下来感觉很累。看了好多集的Friends。听力是比以前好了一点,但也进步不是很明显。不过应付正常的生活问题不是很大了。

4. 今天醒来居然已经9:30,大惊,窗帘一拉开,外面已经大亮。闹钟又被朵朵给调了。赶到办公室,收邮件。看到wlx说国内服务器出问题了,发现黑客入侵。基本上花了我整一天时间(被老梁如果知道,又要被骂,但没法子,那也是我应该做的事),理了一下,将入侵的整个过程大致还原了一下。写所里同事领导写信,说明了整个过程。清除的事还是交给亮子了,需要更多的时间耐心细致的去做。听小赵说今天朵朵在幼儿园表现不错,能跟小朋友玩到一起了。


原文:Boost ASP.NET performance with deferred content loading

翻译:南卓铜 ([email protected])


在设计一个ASP.NET Web页面时,其反应速度取决于各组成部分的性能,比如在上图,红色条所在的GetRSSReader(从其它网站上读取RSS)功能会导致整个页面反应速度很慢。不管你如何去优化该页面的其它部分,只有其中有一部分反应慢就会导致用户感觉整个Web页面速度呆滞。

在本文,我将给大家演示一种规避这个问题的方法。通过将内容放置到用户控件(User control),直到整个核心内容都显示完后才去装载用户控件内容,这样就可以大幅提升可观察的性能。

我们可以将页面内容细致的分解,通过上述方法可以方便的提升应用程序反应速度,这是用户最关心的。包括下面四个步骤:建立用户控件,将用户控件内容输出成HTML(通过Webservice),提供进程指示条,以及应用ASP.NET AJAX请求在客户端插入此HTML。

1. 建立用户控件

首先,我们需要将装载速度慢但不是核心的内容包装在用户控件(User control)。在这个例子里,我们实现一个简单的RSS聚合阅读器来显示最新的用户帖子。

这里的关键是获取RSS聚合的基本信息。我在这里使用ASP.NET 3.5的一个新功能:LINQ to XML。LINQ使得读取关系数据库、XML等数据源的繁杂工作大为简化。我每次使用它都心动不已。(译者注,不懂LINQ或者ASP.NET 3.5并不会妨碍理解这里讲述的方法)

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  XDocument feedXML = 
  var feeds = from feed in feedXML.Descendants("item")
              select new
                Title = feed.Element("title").Value,
                Link = feed.Element("link").Value,
                Description = feed.Element("description").Value
  PostList.DataSource = feeds;

使用ASP.NET 3.5的另一个新控件 ListView来显示聚合的内容。(译者注,可以不管ASP.NET 3.5,这里仅是一个User control的例子。)

<asp:ListView runat="server" ID="PostList">
      <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="itemPlaceholder" />
    <li><a href='<%# Eval("Link") %>'><%# Eval("Title") %></a><br />
      <%# Eval("Description") %>         




2. 将用户控件润色成HTML

本步我们创建一个Web service将用户控件生成HTML字符串。这里,我们需要在ASP.NET页面实例之外生成HTML字符串。一般情况下,用户控件都是被装载到Page实例上。

为解决这个问题,我们可以创建一个临时的ASP.NET Page类,动态加载用户控件,然后在Web service里执行它。实际实现比起描述要简单易懂的多。

public string GetRSSReader()
  // 创建新Page类,并加载用户控件
  Page page = new Page();
  UserControl ctl =
  StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
  HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(page, writer, false);
  return writer.ToString();

你可能在担心创建一个新的页面实例是否会有性能上的影响。一开始,我也是这么考虑的。但,因为我们的Page实例是创建在Web service上,而不是在ASP.NET HTTP管道(pipeline)上,而且只包括一个用户控件,此额外的开支可以被忽略不计。Page实例本身的开支相对于整个HTTP进程来讲是微不足道的。

3. 创建演示页面


<asp:ScriptManager runat="server">
    <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/RSSReader.asmx" />
    <asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Default.js" />
<div id="Container">
  <div id="RSSBlock" class="loading"></div>
  <div id="Content">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing...</p>


.loading { 
  background: url('progress-indicator.gif') no-repeat center; 



4. 从Javascript里调用Web service

现在我们已经有了一个空位置,我们需要将真实的HTML填充这个位置。ASP.NET AJAX为我们做好了大部分的事情。

function AppInit() {
  RSSReader.GetRSSReader(OnSuccess, OnFailure);
function OnSuccess(result) {
  // .loading CSS类从div上移去,效果上看是移去了进程条
  Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass($get('RSSBlock'), 'loading');
  // 将生成的HTML填充这个div位置
  $get('RSSBlock').innerHTML = result;
function OnFailure() {
  // 如果失败了,要做点什么。比如重试,等



5. 结论


注意我们这里没有使用UpdatePanel。使用以上描述的技术,不需要使用Partial Postback。它不仅可以提升性能,而且即使在内容延后被装载的时候,也不影响页面其它使用了UpdatePanel的正常工作。








Group meeting有关multifractal云里雾里的

在Group meeting上给大家演示用multifractal+wavelet的方法做time-space downscaling。讲的稀里糊涂,听的也是云里雾里。其实在看的时候就有好多问题发现,但没有时间进一步去看相关文献。L老师提的问题又太过涉及公式本身。
不过这个paper proposed的方法估计本身也有问题,尽管结论说downscale还不错。但作者在此文发表后的后续工作又重新time和space分开来做downscaling了,估计也是意识到time和space结合在一起很难找到完美的方法。


这两天外面的雪好大。今天送朵朵到附近的一个 Children Learning & Development Center。


周日几个同事朋友带家里领导到China Star小聚了一把,十分高兴

SPIE Conference OP.405 and its Special Session on Operational Satellite Observations of Land Surface

Dear Land Remote Sensing Colleague/Enthusiastic:

You are specially
invited to participate in the SPIE Conference Special Session on "Operational
Satellite Observations of Land Surface Properties and their Scientific and
Societal Applications". The SPIE 2008 Annual Meeting will be held during
August 10-14, 2008 at
San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA,
USA. Abstract due date is January 28, 2008.  Please
see the attached announcement for more information. The conference information
and abstract submission website is

Click here to see details

you have any further questions about the special session, please contact any of
us: Bob Yu at [email protected], Cheng-Zhi Zou at [email protected], Jeff Privette
at [email protected], or Jerry Zhan
at [email protected].

We look forward to your participation and seeing you in
San Diego, California in August

2008!Organizer: Jerry Zhan, Bob Yu, Cheng-Zhi Zou
and Jeff Privette.