I used Evernote since 2011. Today I received an email from Evernote saying it increased my payment from 358 HKD last year for my personal account to 458 HKD for a renewal.
It’s crazy. It’s beyond what I can afford. I decided to cancel it. At the last step of cancellation, Evernote offered me a 40% off for a next renewal, so I am happy to stay for one more year.
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Reviewer/Author Appreciation Reception is a private, invitation-only event that honors top authors and reviewers. The reception is usually held on a Thursday late afternoon during the Fall AGU Meeting.
The reception is an opportunity for the AGU journal Editors-in-Chief to thank community members who have done exceptional work to make the journals successful.
了解了一下各自的技术细节,发现这个方案(HDMI to DisplayPort via USB type-C)可能是不行的。原因大概是信号丢失。有直接从HDMI 到DisplayPort 的转换器,大概有两个类型,一个是passive一个是active,前者是把HDMI的信号 reorder 一下转为displayport信号,后者是recreate,那通过芯片把 hdmi信号生成为 displayport信号。从这里也可以发现 hdmi 与displayport的信号可能有比较大差别。重要的区别之一HDMI是把video视频 和audio音频信号放在一起,而displayport将两者是分开的。因此好的 hdmi to displayport converter 要recreate 信号才行。
而type-C 转换到 hdmi 或者displayport 就很简单,type-C 有几个alternative mode,比如hdmi alternative model,也有 displayport alternative mode,也就是说 type-C原本就包括了 hdmi 或者displayport 的信息,不需要recreate 这个过程。
现在回到HDMI to DisplayPort via USB type-C方案,从hdmi 到type-c,这个转换使得type-C只包括了hdmi信号,然后从typc-C 到displayPort 包含的信息(它suppose 是type-C里包括displayport信号)就不对了,从type-C到 displayPort并不会执行从 hdmi 到 displayport 的recreate动作。failed.