了解了一下各自的技术细节,发现这个方案(HDMI to DisplayPort via USB type-C)可能是不行的。原因大概是信号丢失。有直接从HDMI 到DisplayPort 的转换器,大概有两个类型,一个是passive一个是active,前者是把HDMI的信号 reorder 一下转为displayport信号,后者是recreate,那通过芯片把 hdmi信号生成为 displayport信号。从这里也可以发现 hdmi 与displayport的信号可能有比较大差别。重要的区别之一HDMI是把video视频 和audio音频信号放在一起,而displayport将两者是分开的。因此好的 hdmi to displayport converter 要recreate 信号才行。
而type-C 转换到 hdmi 或者displayport 就很简单,type-C 有几个alternative mode,比如hdmi alternative model,也有 displayport alternative mode,也就是说 type-C原本就包括了 hdmi 或者displayport 的信息,不需要recreate 这个过程。
现在回到HDMI to DisplayPort via USB type-C方案,从hdmi 到type-c,这个转换使得type-C只包括了hdmi信号,然后从typc-C 到displayPort 包含的信息(它suppose 是type-C里包括displayport信号)就不对了,从type-C到 displayPort并不会执行从 hdmi 到 displayport 的recreate动作。failed.
I’m pleased to say that I’ve found a solution that works. By enabling access to all Wnd Class, the CJK IME stuck in sandboxie issue has been resolved. I’m curious, though: was I the first to discover this solution? I’ve attached a screenshot below to show the necessary settings in Sandboxie-Plus. No additional settings are required.
enabling access to all Wnd Class in Sandboxie-plus, v1.8.4Continue reading →
秘密在Tablet properties 里面。当绘图板连接到laptop后(不管是有线还是蓝牙),都可以打开这个peoperties 的设置窗口,如下图所示。其下有一个checkbox是 Use Windows Ink。把这个打勾上。然后你会发现上述问题已经全部解决。
Wacom Tablet Properties window. Enable the “Use Windows Ink” option when using Wacom Tablet on Windows. Otherwise, the cursor will sometimes jump when using the tablet, resulting in inadvertent straight lines.
This error occurred after I reinstalled my x270 laptop. I cleaned all the data on the disks, reinstalled win10, and also reset the bios to factory settings. When I do a cold restart (shutdown and then press the power button), error 2102 (message reads “Detection error of storage device (m.2 ssd)”) appears before win10 starts. I shall press ESC twice before I can get the win10 system to come up.
I have searched Google. All I found is that it is hardware problem, that you call the manufacturer and replace the storage device. So that what’s I did. I bought a new 256G m.2 2248 SSD for 299 Chinese Yuan.
I unscrewed the rear cover of x270, and replaced the old ssd with the new one. Unfortunately, the same error appears on cold boot. Frustrating. But I changed my mind, it is more like a bios problem instead of a hardware problem.
Then I tried different settings. At last, I found a perfect solution.
Press Enter key to interrupt the normal boot procedure.
Press F1 to enter bios.
Disable secure boot in the security tab of bios.
Set boot UEFI mode to both, with UEFI first option.
有时候学生来办公室找我讨论,face to face那种,打开投影仪又嫌太麻烦了,我办公桌上有两块比较大的屏幕,所以就把学生笔记本电脑接到大屏幕上,大家对着大屏幕讨论。但还是要把线拔来拔去,尤其是有时候学生电脑只有Type C接口,不能直接连,麻烦。于是想是否可以直接无线投屏过来 (两个屏幕则已经连到一台win10主机上)。