1. If you are exclusively adding documentation using the ISO metadata
metadata editor and you will be publishing your metadata to an ArcIMS
Metadata Service, you must turn off the FGDC synchronizer and the Geography
Network synchronizer and remove all FGDC XML elements from the metadata.
2. To remove FGDC information from the metadata, you can use a VBA script
that is available with the ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit and from ArcGIS
Developer Online at Samples > Metadata
3. ArcCatalog的验证的五项,其实是为Metadata Explorer服务的,并不元数据标准的
4. ArcCatalog的Synchronizer(3种,包括iso, fgdc, geography network)是通过增
加xml elements的Sync="TRUE" or "FALSE"来实现的
5.在搜索的时候,FGDC的elements先被搜索,对应的iso elements不会被搜索到(只有
在对应的FGDC elments缺省的情况下才可能被搜索到),所以一定要记得做iso
6. 很多州和地方根据FGDC CSDGM制定自己的专规(Profile),如the European
Committee for Standardization,和 the Australia New Zealand Land information
Council (ANZLIC)等
7. FGDC最终会采用 ISO 19139(19115的实施方案)来代替CSDGM
8. 可以定制 synchronizer,创建新的 stylesheets,自己的metadata editors
9. ArcCatalog实际上在一份XML里维护了FGDC和ISO两套标准,还支持扩展。而这整个
XML在publish的时候要放到sde的metadata的xml column里
metadata editor and you will be publishing your metadata to an ArcIMS
Metadata Service, you must turn off the FGDC synchronizer and the Geography
Network synchronizer and remove all FGDC XML elements from the metadata.
2. To remove FGDC information from the metadata, you can use a VBA script
that is available with the ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kit and from ArcGIS
Developer Online at Samples > Metadata
3. ArcCatalog的验证的五项,其实是为Metadata Explorer服务的,并不元数据标准的
4. ArcCatalog的Synchronizer(3种,包括iso, fgdc, geography network)是通过增
加xml elements的Sync="TRUE" or "FALSE"来实现的
5.在搜索的时候,FGDC的elements先被搜索,对应的iso elements不会被搜索到(只有
在对应的FGDC elments缺省的情况下才可能被搜索到),所以一定要记得做iso
6. 很多州和地方根据FGDC CSDGM制定自己的专规(Profile),如the European
Committee for Standardization,和 the Australia New Zealand Land information
Council (ANZLIC)等
7. FGDC最终会采用 ISO 19139(19115的实施方案)来代替CSDGM
8. 可以定制 synchronizer,创建新的 stylesheets,自己的metadata editors
9. ArcCatalog实际上在一份XML里维护了FGDC和ISO两套标准,还支持扩展。而这整个
XML在publish的时候要放到sde的metadata的xml column里