VisualSVN 1.3.2

最近VisualSVN 1.3.2出来了,trial是30天试用。Reflector反汇编分析了一下代码,采用了xor和md5公私密钥双重加密,由于无法知晓密钥(公钥在VisualSVN.VS.Interface.dll的资源public里),无法制作keygen。
       License l = new License();
       l.Binding = LicenseBinding.Seat;
       l.Capacity = 999;
       l.EndTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(2);
       l.LicensedTo = "tong";
       l.LicenseId = Guid.NewGuid();
       l.PurchaseDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10);
       l.PurchaseId = "shareit:1";
       l.StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2);
       l.Type = LicenseType.Corporate;
       l.Version = 2;


porting win console app to MONO

MONO为.net程序提供了在linux等平台下运行的可能。一个简单的win console程序也可能会出现一些问题:

  • P/I
  • path separator
  • case sensitivity

linux下的路径分隔符与win下不一样,建议.net下的全部写成 /,或者用 Path.SeparatorChar,否则会出现在linux下找不到文件的问题







Qt integration for Eclipse

Trolltech finally organized technicals to develop integration with Eclipse, the popular C++ development environment in open source community. A version of 1.0 RC2 has come out and can be found from Trolltech offical FTP server at I tried this integration tool to develop a small console tool. It features some interesting things. But it is not very stable yet. Hope 1.0 release version will be more stable and more user friendly.

Pm v2.25


请点击这里下载Pm v2.25安装文件

MD5 sum: f9d813cbf325c3eb93beb35f1335e1b3

Shugong’s baby girl

Today I went to see Shugong, and had a look at his lovely baby girl. She was born around one week ago. I asked Shugong how he feels as a daddy. He said he was proud but very tired. The little baby wakes up every hour in night that making the couples can not even go to sleep. His wife said yesterday she cannot awake him up possibly he was too tired in past days. I experienced those tough time when Duoduo was younger than 1 year old. Anyway, all of us are not regrettable to our initial decision to have a baby.

Qt for VS c++ 2005 EE

Qt 4.3.2 已经支持 Visual Studio C++ 2005 Express Edition了,但不提供Integration,要使用的话,大概使用makefile project再加一点定制,比如使用qmake .pro来生成makefile,通过一些配置,Qt就可以使用VS这个稳定和强大的平台了(比如Intellisense, Debug等都比其它如Eclipse出色,毕竟是商业的)

To install it, download Qt 4.3.2 open source from its ftp at, configure it using a -platform win32-msvc2005, then compile/link by running nmake.

One thing to be noted is we have to install Windows Core SDK, IE SDK (If no IE SDK, prompting by missing shlwapi.h), and optionally MDAC SDK if you are going to install ODBC, prior to configure Qt. VC++ 2005 Express Edition does not come with SDK. We should install SDK seperately. One way is to install this package by appropriate customing.  

After installation, configure vcvar32.bat under "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7Tools" by adding "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2Bin", "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2Include",  and  "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2Lib" to #path, #include and #lib respectively. Otherwise the compilation will complain it cannot find necessary header files.