
早上安排是看罗布林卡,老T去了。我们其余4个中方兴致缺缺,反正交给小冯带老外去看,我们就呆在宾馆里打了一上午的扑克。罗布林卡其实不错的,是达赖的summer palace,景色很漂亮。老T回来说,我们太遗憾了,23号开始Tibetan最大的雪顿节,而我们就要回去了。老T讲罗布林卡搭了很多高台,为雪顿节准备的。下午去的色拉寺以前没去过,也是Lhasa有名的寺庙之一。小冯给我们介绍了各种各样的藏佛,学到不少的Knowledge。比如Future Budda,就是弥罗佛,在汉族是大肚子的,而在藏佛文化里则不是。Future Budda是藏佛里最重要的一个佛之一,旁边还立着它的8大弟子。小W后来在新华书店买到几本有关藏佛的书,稍翻了一下,长见识不少。很有意思的是,我们看到了色拉寺的和尚在辩经。那个场面对不熟悉藏佛文化的你我,感觉很新奇。所谓的辩经,是senior monk问,年轻资历浅的和尚答,有站有坐,并有很多定式的肢体动作。比如年轻的回答不好,站着的senior会拍掌,并说“qia”,意思是说你回答的不好,你好好听我给你讲。诸如此类的动作,小冯给介绍了不少。据说色拉寺住有200多名和尚,其中有多名资历很深的喇嘛。至于喇嘛和和尚的区别,我也是今天知道。原来并不是全部的和尚都是喇嘛,喇嘛是高级的和尚,成为喇嘛后,就很可能成为活佛。全拉萨大概有90来名喇嘛。和尚之间有很深严的等级之分。
晚上到唐古拉风看了近两小钟的表演,据说是全拉萨最好的藏吧,演员基本上是职业的。的确很精彩,我也是第一次一天内用完了256m的相机内存,拍了不少的照片和录像。套一句Roland爱说的话,It’s amazing!
回想过去的一周,跟4个老外一起横跨了青藏高原,参观了n个世界或中国第一,比如格尔木世界上最大的salt ground、青海湖中国最大的salt lake、Namsto世界海拔最高的salt lake同时也是中国第二大的salt lake、世界最高的兵站、最高的道班、最高的青藏铁路线,以及拉萨最高的城市,等等。大家的身体也都可以,除了有点头痛,事先准备好的氧气瓶没有用上。老外们除看到了青藏线,遍布的高原冻土现象,体验了一把藏文化,还学了一些中国话。Richard是其中最好学的,且不说他。George今天当我询问他中午胃不舒服的时候,还说了一句“没问题”,真是难得。这些天beer大概也喝好了,从兰州到格尔木到拉萨,一直喝的是local beer,delicious!


今天的旅游就交到青旅的冯茜茜小姐了,是山东国旅援藏的,跟小吴算是老乡了,山东大学外语系毕业的,不错的外语。上午由她带着老外游了Potula Palace。Potula的票很难买,几个老外回来跟我描述说大家都好像在fighting,抢着向前走。下午看了大昭寺,这个据说是藏文化的center的center,按Rose的说法,是absolute center of Lhasa。两个地方我都没进去,几年前已经看过,感觉就没有必要了。而且这次Potula的票又很难买。完了带着老外在八角街买东西。那些人很可恶,使劲的宰老外,前面我们一不注意,George就自个买了一个180的小苯,其实30块就够了。Rick也花了不少的冤枉钱。冯小姐用英语告诉大家说too expensive,那个懂外语的老板马上翻脸,粗话连连。小冯跟我们苦笑说,做导游的老被那些老板骂。此后,老外买的东西,我都让他们先看好,汤老师或者我来bargining。Roland的teapot,face masks, Tibetan cloth,和Rick的t-shirt都以较低的价格买到。皆大欢喜。
晚上在桃源食府吃,教几个老外猜小拳,玩老虎杠子鸡,和五十五二十。喝了不少的Lhasa beer,大家兴致不错。


18号一早从Golmud出发,晚上睡在Amdo,稍有点发应。不过还好,几个老外都很好。只是Rose好像不大喜欢吃面,不过好在只有一天。今天离开Amdo,从当雄进到Namtso Lake,我是第一次看天湖了,很大,很漂亮,水很蓝,深蓝的那种。人很多,每人80块,司机不要,据说以前是30块,由于铁路通车,游客增加,所以西藏的什么都贵了。早早地到了拉萨,将老外安排在雄巴拉酒店。拿到他们离开的机票,有点担心时间太紧凑。而拉萨机场经常飞机晚点。如果晚点,那么老外离开的行程都会连锁改变,那就很麻烦了。

USGS Tibet trip: Golmud

结束了两天的workshop和三天的train program后,进入野外程序。包括四老外,我,小吴,老汤,第一站到格尔木。


八月份是个繁忙的季节,各种各样的会议,和很多学者过来访问。USGS的几个专家会在这里呆两周,包括2天的workshop,和3天的training program,以及会后的青藏高原寒区水文考察。


These days the Asian Permafrost Conference are holding in Lanzhou. Yesterday I have met Richard Armstrong from NSIDC and his wife, Besty. We had together a dinner in Lanzhou Hotel. I told them because you were in China, you should fully enjoy the Chinese foods. Although  there are many(?) Chinese restraunts in Boulder the city they are living, few native Chinese foods can be found in those restraunts. The declaration were greatly agreed by Richard. Richard is one of the top research professors in Colorado University, but we cannot see his arrogance, which are surprisely found in the oversea Chinese scholars (Hai Gui) who possibly stayed oversea for several days. Richard is the guy I have blogged in this space who are very anthusiastic in science and impressed me very much. When we visited NSIDC last year, in his office, he has talked about his research for up to 2 hours and forgot to invite us taking a seat. Of course he stand there as us. I have never met a scientist before the day like him. Through his eyes, I found what is the enthusiasium in science research. The couple is both very impressive. Betsy, a graceful lady, always speak gentlely. She is the first time to be in Lanzhou, and going to the excursion to Tibet after this conference.


做UPS与电脑相连,使电脑监控UPS而做出反映。通过RS232端口连接山特UPS c10k到电脑的COM1上,改正电脑COM1的波特率为2400bps后,居然还是不工作。亮子打800咨询电话,告之看相连的RS232线是平行型的,还是交叉型。连接山特(Santak)的需要平行型的。又长新知识了,原来这线也有不同类型的,仔细看线的两个端口,公母两端果真都有数字编号,字真够小的。从某数字出来的,到那头也是该数字,被称为平行型的。我拿在手里的两根全部是交叉型的!


将以下内容保存为 OracleExportAutomata.bat,运行即可。可以与Windows计划任务联合使用,比如每天3:00am运行一次。

@echo off
echo ———–
echo name: Oracle data export automata utility
echo author: WANG Liangxu
echo date: 2006-8-7
echo refined by NAN Zhuotong
echo documented by NAN Zhuotong
echo Any problem please contact us via [email protected]; [email protected]

REM This program is used to export data in Oracle to external files named with current date.
REM A simple export schema is employed. Monday the data will be completely exported.
REM Tuesday through Thursday data will be exported in an incremental manner.
REM Friday, data exported include all the incremental data since the last completed export.
REM Saturday and Sunday incremental export will be employed once more.

REM This program can be used together with Windows plan and task utility. In that way,
REM the program can be enhanced with running by schedule.

echo ———–
set w=%date:~13,1%
set d=%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%
rem echo %d%
if %w%==一 goto 1
if %w%==二 goto 2
if %w%==三 goto 3
if %w%==四 goto 4
if %w%==五 goto 5
if %w%==六 goto 6
if %w%==日 goto 7

REM exp system/systemwestdc inctype=complete file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/20060807.dmp (complete)
REM exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/2006xxxx.dmp
REM exp system/systemwestdc inctype=cumulative file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/2006xxxx.dmp
REM Mon: 完全备份(A)
REM Tue: 增量导出(B)
REM Wed: 增量导出(C)
REM Thu: 增量导出(D)
REM Fri: 累计导出(E)
REM Sat: 增量导出(F)
REM Sun: 增量导出(G)

 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-compl.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=complete file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-compl.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-cumul.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=cumulative file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-cumul.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end
 echo Begin exporting data to file %d%-incre.dmp
 exp system/systemwestdc inctype=incremental file=d:/ORADB-BACKUP/%d%-incre.dmp
 goto end

SQL server master库损坏的解决方案

SQL server 2k master db corruption due to power cutoff, causing sql server cannot start up. In this server, ArcSDE 9 and ArcIMS 9 are associated with Sql Server 2k sp4. and worse, no backup have been created prior to this disaster.
1. Backup possibly effected dbs, i.e., sde db, and westdc db.
2. run rebuildm.exe to reconstruct the master db. all logins are lost after that operation. sde amd westdc dbs cannot be found in the rebuilt master db.
3. attach the original sde db and westdc db using sa as the db owner.
4. create lost logins, for example, westdc, sde, etc. Fortunately, I have backed up all these information.
5. using enterprise manager, open sde and westdc dbs, isolated users can be found under the users leaf. So we have to assign the appropriate logins to those isolated users. use commands as follow:
USE sde;
sp_change_users_login @Action=’Report’;
USE westdc;
sp_change_users_login @Action=’update_one’, @UserNamePattern=’westdc’, @LoginName=’westdc’;
the first set of commands is used to report the isolated users in database sde. the second set of commands will assign an existing login named westdc to the isolated user westdc.
6. restart the arcsde service, then arcims services. DONE!
We always are required to backup databases in a regular interval.