
These days the Asian Permafrost Conference are holding in Lanzhou. Yesterday I have met Richard Armstrong from NSIDC and his wife, Besty. We had together a dinner in Lanzhou Hotel. I told them because you were in China, you should fully enjoy the Chinese foods. Although  there are many(?) Chinese restraunts in Boulder the city they are living, few native Chinese foods can be found in those restraunts. The declaration were greatly agreed by Richard. Richard is one of the top research professors in Colorado University, but we cannot see his arrogance, which are surprisely found in the oversea Chinese scholars (Hai Gui) who possibly stayed oversea for several days. Richard is the guy I have blogged in this space who are very anthusiastic in science and impressed me very much. When we visited NSIDC last year, in his office, he has talked about his research for up to 2 hours and forgot to invite us taking a seat. Of course he stand there as us. I have never met a scientist before the day like him. Through his eyes, I found what is the enthusiasium in science research. The couple is both very impressive. Betsy, a graceful lady, always speak gentlely. She is the first time to be in Lanzhou, and going to the excursion to Tibet after this conference.

2 thoughts on “公车(外一)

  1. daniel cheng



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