南卓铜(Zhuotong Nan, zhn1@pitt.edu)
Alexa提供了收费的Web service允许大家使用其数据,大概是每1000次请求0.15美金(见这里)。收费并不高,而且包括众多的功能。
然而作为程序员,有时候宁愿挑战一下自己的能力。比如有没有一种免费而且合法的手段来获取它的排名数据,比如Westdc.westgis.ac.cn目前排名1,080,823里的这个名次(May 06 2008)。
<span class=”descBold”> <!–Did you know? Alexa offers this data programmatically. Visit http://aws.amazon.com/awis for more information about the Alexa Web Information Service.–><span class=”c669″>1,</span><span class=”cbf1″>34</span>0<span class=”cd05″>80</span><span class=”c9d1″>,8</span><span class=”c2e8″>23</span></span>
a. 获取整个HTML源代码;分析获取源代码中有关排名的HTML片断;
b. 下载干扰的CSS表,取得display属性为none的全部css类名;
c. 利用css类名列表,从HTML片断中移去对应的<span>标签和标签内的数字;
d. 移去剩余的HTML标签;
e. 转成数值输出。
以下代码演示了此方法,使用了c# 2.0,在Visual Studio 2005编译运行通过。代码里使用了正则表达式。
/* Purpose: to get Alexa ranking data by using c#
* Author: Zhuotong Nan (zhn1@pitt.edu)
* Date: May 06 2008
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace wml.stat
class AlexaRanking
public static int Rank(string url)
int ret = -1;Uri uri = new Uri(url);
string newUrl = “http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details/” + uri.Host;
System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
string html=wc.DownloadString(newUrl);//pattern for obtaining html codes in relation to ranking data
string htmlpattern = @” about the Alexa Web Information Service.–>(.+?)</span><!–“;
string snipet = Regex.Match(html, htmlpattern).Groups[1].Value;//get css file which store css classes preventing from scrambling
string cssUrl = “http://client.alexa.com/common/css/scramble.css”;
string cssfile = wc.DownloadString(cssUrl);//css class pattern for getting CSS class listing with no display to the browse
string cssclassPattern=@”.(.*?) {“;
MatchCollection cssmc = Regex.Matches(cssfile, cssclassPattern);
//css classes without display, forming reg patterns
List<string> css_nodisp_patterns = new List<string>();
foreach (Match m in cssmc)
css_nodisp_patterns.Add( “<span class=”” + m.Groups[1].Value
//remove those classes from html snippet
foreach (string p in css_nodisp_patterns)
snipet=Regex.Replace(snipet, p, “”);
}//see html snippet left
//remove span tags
string tagPattern = “<[^>]*>”;
snipet=Regex.Replace(snipet, tagPattern, “”);ret = Int32.Parse(snipet, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands);
return ret;
}static void Main(string[] args)
本文独立实现,但后来google发现有人利用了差不多的方法,只不过在实现上用了PHP,最终产生的结果稍有不同,见 http://plice.net/?p=10。