原书作者Hipel和McLeod在他们主页上提供公开下载,原网页是 http://www.stats.uwo.ca/faculty/aim/1994Book/。免费使用的条件是:
“We give our permission to use this material freely for teaching provided that the following citation is included: “Time Series Modelling of Water Resources and Environmental Systems” by Keith W. Hipel and A. Ian McLeod.”
(我们许可免费使用本书用于教学目的,只要将下述引用包括进来:“Time Series Modelling of Water Resources and Environmental Systems” by Keith W. Hipel and A. Ian McLeod.”)
这本关于水文数据时间序列的书长达1千多页,内容十分丰富;遗憾的原网页在国内一些地方被屏蔽,无法访问, 转帖到这里方便国内学者使用。务请尊重原作者许可的使用条件。
Hipel K W, Mcleod A I. Time Series Modelling of Water Resources and Environmental Systems. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elesevier, 1994, 1013.
Links: Link1 (Baidu, ~63MB)